The Vault with Sonja Martinovic

Grab Them, Engage Them and Close Them - Become An Expert At Verbal Communication w/ Phillip Kahn-Panni

Episode Summary

Phillip Khan-Panni is a Wordsmith, an expert in verbal communication, both written and spoken. As an active member of Toastmasters International he has probably won more speech contests than anyone in Europe, including Anglo-Irish champion a record four times and UK's first World Silver Medallist. He is a founder and Honorary Fellow of the Professional Speaking Associate of Britain and Ireland, and author of a dozen books, mostly on communication skills. With a working backgrounding sales and Direct Marketing, he started his training business in 1994, focusing on telling the right story in business, and telling it well. He retired to Ireland in 2016 and lives with his wife in Naas, near Dublin.

Episode Notes

📌There's a free One Minute Checklist to identify your own strengths and weaknesses in Presentation Skills here:

📌Also check out :
"The Man Who Gave Away His lottery Win" on Amazon UK.

👉 Some key points: 

(02:04) Philip's story so far, in his own words
Phillip started out in sales and found great success by using his own unique method
The key was helping prospects visualize what the benefit of Phillip's offer really was
(05:48) Success in sales and copywriting led Phillip to start his own training program
Phillip continued to defy people's expectations when it comes to sales and presentation by using the element of surprise and originality
(08:24) How to identify what is the RIGHT message to get out there and how to get it to your prospects
The right message is NOT what you DO, but how you benefit your customer, and your customer's customer
Always have a 15 second elevator pitch, ready to go: goal is to get them to say TELL ME MORE!
Always ask: how is my offer benefitting the business I am selling to?
(12:35) Phillip does a live elevator pitch
(16:28) How to START a presentation and really captivate people from the get-go
Communication is not about the TRANSMISSION, it's about how it is received and understood
Surprise them, engage them and close them using the AIDA model
(23:03) The biggest destroyer of presentations is BAD SLIDES! Don't ask your audience to read and listen at the same time
(26:03) Once you engage successfully, How to KEEP an audience captivated: tell a story
(28:42) A speaker Phillip admires is Les Brown
(34:25) Closing thoughts. Everything you do is personal PR. What are you really saying about yourself to the world?

🌎Reach out to Phillip

Twitter: @PKPWordsmith

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Podcast production by Everglade Media