The Vault with Sonja Martinovic

Elevate Your Energy, Elevate Your Spirit and Infuse The Power Of Belief Into Your Daily Actions

Episode Summary

In this solo episode, Sonja tackles with the topic of motivation and how to ignore the negative, low-energy voices in your own conscious which tend to steal your thunder. We often find ourselves in a low-energy state and Sonja offers some tips on how to get over to the other side, into a high-energy state of creativity, productivity and freedom. One major key to getting out of a mental rut is GRATITUDE

Episode Notes

👉Some key points: 

What is a low-energy state and how it can be recognized?
What is a high-energy state and what are the thinking patterns and behaviors that we are looking for?
How GRATITUDE is a great way to re-center yourself and get out of a mental rut. 

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Podcast production Everglade Media